Sunday, January 22, 2012

How To Get Perfectly Straight Hair

Haven't you guys ever admired, those girls who had pitch straight, beautiful, glowing hair, while yours looked like a total disaster by the end of the day.  I do!  First of all, I never understood why, it's not like I'm running a triathlon everyday of my life, but my hair ends up turning out wavy, and just flicking out on the ends, gross.  So, I found a way to keep you hair pitch straight all day long.

1. Washing Your Hair
Now, this you need to keep in consistent, but it really depends, if your hair doesn't get oily until 2-3 days, then keep it between washes, but like you probably already know that, washing you hair is unhealthy, so I was it every other day.  Also if your, the kind of people who wash their hair before styling chances, are you have to wait a little longer for you hair to completely dry, but that fine, I just find it best, if you washed your hair the day before you style it, so you get a little bit oil so you hair doesn't look so fatigue.

2. Blow Drying It
I started to do this instead of air drying it, but whatever works best for you.  Air drying is obviously less damaging so that is probably the more reasonable choice to go with.  Also, keep in mind, that you should brush it with a wide tooth comb to get all the tangles out, this will also make you have to straighten less part of you hair.  The more less heat, less damage!

3. Start Your Straightener
So it depends if your the person who blast up the heat or keep it mild, I would go with the normal heat setting you straightener set up, but it all depends on you.

4. Section It Off
Honestly, everybody gets sick of having to take the long route, but do it on how much time you have, section it off in 3 or just in half, but this is the best method.  I section my hair out in half, from both of my ears, then I straighten my bottom layer, and then let go the first and then straighten.  Oh yes, don't forget to stray HEAT PROTECTANT!  To all you hair before you straighten and comb it through, it will help it dry quicker, and spread it through your hair/

5. Bangs
This is probably the most important part, I personally don't have bangs, because I grew them all out, but doesn't mean you neglect them!  So I just pull them all in the front and straight them that way, it adds a little touch.  And I also, after everything is done, straighten my hair backwards, by that I mean, flip my hair down, and straighten some to add more volume.

6. Product
Now, you can either attach it with hair spray of mouse, for that will help it stay.  Some good products you find that can help you keep in the straight, buy them!  I personally love this thing called S-Factor, it's a little pricey, but you only need a small amount and it works like heaven!

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